Retail Security

Protecting your retail prop­er­ty; we take care of every detail.

Any property needs to be taken care of and here at Macaw, we understand how important it is to protect retail property.

This is why we help you to secure and protect your property to reduce and stop any risks it may face by thieves, vandals and any individuals of damaging nature, either when occupied or vacant.

High street locations

Retail outlets that are located on highstreets are subject to spotlight when it comes to the value they carry in a specific zone. Hence why we typically install Intruder Alarm Systems that work to detect any sensory movement. The use of steel doors can be blended by Macaw to help disguise the material and as a result, appear more natural to the elements around the steel door.

Additionally Macaw can undertake regular security inspections and report back any information if needed.

Out of town sites

When it comes to properties that are isolated or out of town they generally have multiple access points as well as a car park that also needs to be secured. For these types of properties, we provide security measures that encompass the site as well as its perimeter. This is done through Intruder Alarm Systems as well as risk assessments conducted by our personnel. We install perimeter fencing, secure doors and bollards as part of our non-technological measures to prevent any trespassers from infiltrating the site and to prevent any vandalism or criminal activity.

Enquire about our retail security services

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